Monday, February 27, 2012

NYC Queers Against Israeli Apartheid!

Saturday, March 3, 2012
@ LGBT Community Center, 208 West 13th St.

Occupy the NYC LGBT Center!
End the ban on Palestine solidarity organizing!

Since March 2011, the NYC LGBT Center has banned Palestine solidarity activists (queer and non-LGBT) from meeting at the Center and imposed a "moratorium" on any discussion of the Palestinian struggle. This censorship, in response to pressure from wealthy supporters of Israel’s anti-Palestinian policies, flies in the face of our community's commitment to diversity and offering safe space for discussion of "controversial" issues. Petitions, appeals to meet with the Center’s board of directors, calls and letters have not succeeded in winning back our right to free speech and assembly.

If you agree that the wealthy and powerful 1% should not be allowed to silence the voices of the 99%, then join us in defying this ban.
Occupy the Center!

We demand:
1) End the ban on Palestine solidarity organizing at the Center.
2) Open the Center to all who respect its stated mission.
3) Open the Center's board meetings and decision-making process to the community.

This event is open to all.

Initiated by NYC Queers Against Israeli Apartheid:
Facebook: NYC Queers Against Israeli Apartheid

This event is part of Israeli Apartheid Week:

(Credits to: Queers Against Israeli Apartheid)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Congratulations Maryland!

On its way to be the 8th state in the US to recognize same sex marriage, the bill, passed by the senate 25-22 is on its way to the Governor's desk and should arrive within a week.

Hello There :)

Alright new blog set up and for all of our returning members we give a warm welcome back and a sincere apology for LdL's prolonged absence.

As a reminder for all: LdL is a blog mainly focused to reflect an average gay teen's lifestyle in the center of urban America. Hope you all enjoy!

Also a new thing we are doing is LdL will have many Occupy Wall street related posts to accommodate the creator's recent lifestyle attributes.